Overview of zapAudit indicators

The list of indicators includes ID, title, description, risk, profile, indication details, amount, process, process area and the audit objective.

Version 2.9

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapAudit Version 2.9:

Note: List includes beta indicators.

Version 2.8

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapAudit Version 2.8:

Note: List includes beta indicators.

Version 2.7

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapAudit Version 2.7:

Note: List includes beta indicators.

Version 2.6

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapAudit Version 2.6:

Note: List includes beta indicators.

Version 2.5

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapAudit Version 2.5:

Note: List includes beta indicators.

Version 2.1

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapliance Version 2.1:

Note: List includes beta indicators.

Version 2.0 (all patches)

Here are the links to the default list of indicators in zapliance Version 2.0 for all patches:


List of accessed SAP tables

To get the indicators processed, you need access to a set of ~120 SAP tables. For a custom list, which represents the current configuration of your actual zapliance, you can use the download button within the project preparation:
