Start page (URL) of zapAudit and zapCash

Find out the start page URL of zapAudit and zapCash

To access the start page URL of zapAudit and zapCash, follow these instructions:

Default Login Page URLs:

By default, you can access the login pages of zapAudit and zapCash using the following URLs:

If SSL (HTTPS) is enabled, please change "http" to "https" in the URLs, for example:

Login Page using Intranet Address:

If the software is deployed on a server, obtain the intranet address (DNS name of the server) from your IT operator. The login page URLs with the intranet address are:

Login Page using IP Address:

In some cases, if your computer cannot resolve the "localhost" address, you may need to use the IP address of the computer where the software is running. Here are the login page URLs using the IP address:

To determine the IP address, open the command line (cmd.exe) and execute the "ipconfig" command. Look for the IPv4 address to find the IP address of your computer.


By using these URLs, you can easily access the start pages of zapAudit and zapCash based on your network configuration.