zapAnalytics - Product Description

Description of zapAnalytics


Effective from January 28, 2025

zapAnalytics is a web application for analyzing ERP data. The software can be operated within a company's internal intranet without internet access, ensuring that data remains at the site where the software is running. The business logic and analyses are provided by zapliance as a content bundle (.zip) and uploaded into the software (Analytics as a Service).

The core functions of zapAnalytics are:

  1. Data extraction from ERP systems ("Download Plan"),
  2. Data processing using predefined analyses ("Processing Plan"),
  3. Preparation of results for the evaluation of the data and integration into third-party software ("Result Plan").

Both one-time analyses and periodically automatically recurring (Continuous Control Monitoring) processing runs of data extraction, processing, and forwarding can be performed.

zapAnalytics Features:

  • Web application
    • A central installation that can be hosted either on-premises or in the cloud.
    • Deployment as a Docker container is possible
    • Multilingual support: German and English
  • Management of:
    • Projects:
      • Projects organize and control data extraction, processing, and preparation.
      • Projects are managed within an organization and provided through a "Content Bundle" (see Content Bundle).
    • Databases:
      • The zapAnalytics database stores data on data extraction, processing, and forwarding.
      • For the creation of a project, existing zapAnalytics databases or a new database can be selected.
      • Users can store the connection data for this database in zapAnalytics.
      • Databases can be password-protected.
      • Database connections can be encrypted.
      • Supported databases: PostgreSQL
    • Connection data to ERP systems:
      • For data extraction, saved connection data can be selected, or new connection data can be created.
      • An SAP data extraction occurs either via the SAP message server or application server using RFC (Remote Function Call).
    • Download Plans:
      • Download plans define the data scope to be extracted from ERP systems. 
      • The scope definition is done in consultation with zapliance. Download plans are created by zapliance and provided specifically for the customer in a Content Bundle.
    • Processing Plans:
      • Processing plans determine the automated processing of extracted data in zapAnalytics according to the agreed product.
      • Processing plans are created by zapliance and provided specifically for the customer in a Content Bundle.
    • Result Plans:
      • Result plans define the output format of the project results. 
      • Typical output formats include CSV, Excel, database files, REST API, pbix, pbit, or interfaces to external tools like Microsoft SharePoint.
      • Result plans are created by zapliance and provided specifically for the customer in a Content Bundle.
      • The results of result plans are made available via zapAnalytics, for example, through web download, database access, or interface.
  • Content Bundles:
      • A content bundle consists of a set of Download, Processing, and Result Plans, as well as a project template, an organization template, and all necessary licenses.
      • A content bundle (typically a .zip file) is provided by zapliance and can be uploaded by the customer into zapAnalytics. The project features become available to the customer, subject to project activation.
  • Security:
    • A role/permissions concept is integrated into the application, allowing for controlled access.
    • Password-protected installation
    • Encrypted system database
    • Project database with password encryption

License Conditions for zapAnalytics Solutions:

The customer acquires a Response Key voucher for the creation and use of a customized project or Continuous Service in zapAnalytics, with the following license components:

  • Project Type: The project type determines whether a project in zapAnalytics is a one-off project or a continuous service.
    • One-off projects enable the customer to extract data once, process data once, and generate a result once.
    • Continuous Services enable the customer to extract, process, and generate results multiple times.
  • Service Start or End Date: The service period regulates when projects can be processed. If the offer includes a restriction on the service date, this restriction applies to the specified period.
  • Service Period: In Continuous Service mode, the service period defines the subscription and billing period during which continuous services can be processed. The service period automatically extends for another term unless terminated in writing.
  • Minimum Duration: If a minimum duration is defined in the offer, termination is only possible at the end of this period. The service period is effective from the service start date.
  • Content Bundles: Content bundles include contractually agreed licensing conditions and define the Download Plan, Processing Plan, and Result Plan. If the customer-specific offer does not include specific plans, the details of the specified content bundle apply.
    • Download Plan: If the offer restricts download plans, the data scope applies to the agreed-upon download plans of our offer (e.g. company codes, fiscal years).
    • Processing Plan: If the offer restricts processing plans, the scope applies to the agreed-upon processing plans of our offer.
    • Result Plan: If the offer restricts result plans, the scope applies to the agreed-upon result plans of our offer.
  • Content Bundle Update: The number of content bundle updates determines the maximum number of content bundles configured specifically for the customer within a service period and delivered to the customer.
  • SAP Clients: If the offer provides a restriction on clients, this restriction applies to the specified clients within an SAP system. The content bundle can either:
    • contain no restrictions for an SAP client.
    • contain a predefined response key for a customer-specified SAP client. Changing the SAP client within the project is not possible.
    • include a Response Key voucher. By specifying the SAP client in the zapAnalytics project, an activation-required Challenge Key is generated.
  • SAP Company Codes: If the offer provides a restriction on company codes, this restriction applies to the specified company codes within an SAP client. The content bundle can either:
    • contain no restrictions for SAP company codes.
    • contain a predefined response key for customer-specific SAP company codes. Changing SAP company codes within the project is not possible.
    • include a Response Key voucher. By specifying SAP company codes in the zapAnalytics project, an activation-required Challenge Key is generated.
  • Fiscal Years: If the offer provides a restriction on fiscal years, this restriction applies to the specified fiscal years within an SAP client. The content bundle can either:
    • contain no restrictions for SAP fiscal years.
    • contain a predefined response key for customer-specific SAP fiscal years. Changing SAP fiscal years within the project is not possible.
    • include a Response Key voucher. By specifying SAP fiscal years in the zapAnalytics project, an activation-required Challenge Key is generated.
  • Frequency: In Continuous Service mode, the frequency regulates the intervals at which downloads, data processing, and result generation may be automatically executed via batch run. If the offer provides a frequency restriction, the listed frequency is considered the minimum.
  • Continuous Control Monitoring Services: If the offer includes a restriction on continuous control monitoring services, a control subscription may be used for a maximum of the specified number of Continuous Control Monitoring Services.

If the content bundle contains Response Key vouchers, projects must be activated by the customer. During project processing, the customer receives a Challenge Key in the form of a weblink or QR code. The customer can redeem the acquired Response Key voucher either by visiting the weblink on the zapliance website or by contacting zapliance support. The generated response key unlocks full functionality by inputting it into the zapAnalytics project.

Cooperation Obligations:

General prerequisites for using zapAnalytics:

  • Provision of a server or virtual machine (VM) with the specified hardware requirements.
  • Administrator rights for installing zapAnalytics on a virtual machine or server.
  • Installation, licensing, and granting user access to the necessary Microsoft Services to utilize the zapliance outputs.
  • Use of a PostgreSQL database.
  • The hardware used requires a network connection to the ERP system for the duration of data and document extraction.
  • For licensing download plans, the following information must be made available to zapliance before data download: SAP client, SAP company codes, and fiscal years to be analyzed.
  • The customer is responsible for security requirements and measures for operating the system. Security requirements for the server and system environment should meet the SAP data security standard.
  • The principal ensures the logical and physical security of the IT infrastructure on which the digital products, the data generated by digital products, and/or zapAnalytics operates or where the digital products and data are transported or transferred. The principal is guided by their already applied measures concerning the SAP productive system.
  • Additionally, the principal ensures the interface security between the SAP systems, zapAnalytics, and the web browser used for access. zapliance GmbH is not liable, subject to the provisions in section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions, for damages due to lack of access protection, lack of security measures, insufficient archiving, and lack of encryption of the customer's data.
  • Activation of Response Key vouchers requires an internet-enabled device.
  • The principal ensures that (network) access to the customer's SAP systems – or direct use of zapAnalytics on the customer's systems – and possibly on an SAP test system (with up-to-date original data) is enabled for zapAnalytics. The principal is responsible and may take appropriate measures to prevent damage (e.g., virus infestation, system crash) due to access or software use on the customer's systems.
  • The principal is responsible for complying with all legal (especially data protection and labor law) regulations during software use, including the data protection officer and works council if necessary.

Hardware requirements for using zapAnalytics:

  • Windows 64-bit operating system (e.g., Windows Server)
  • Modern multi-core processor (at least 8 cores)
  • Scalable RAM with 64GB or more
  • Scalable hard drive capacity from 1 TB with a read/write speed of at least 100 MB/s
  • Uninterrupted availability during the processing of projects, including data , processing, and preparation

Additional requirements for the SAP data extraction:

  • Availability and accessibility of the following SAP function modules:
  • SAP user with access rights to the function modules
  • SAP Library SAP-JCO 64bit (requires SUSER in the SAP Store)
  • Network connection and shares to the SAP system
  • Connection data to the SAP "Application Server" or "Message Server"
    • Message server (MSHOST)
      • Message server port
      • SAP system name (R3NAME)
      • Group of application servers
      • SAP Router String
      • Client
    • SAP Application Server
      • SAP System Number
      • SAP System Name (R3NAME)
      • Client
      • SAP Router String